Friday, August 27, 2010

a sense of wonder

We took Hudson to the zoo today. We have season passes to the Fort Worth Zoo, and today was the first day in two months that we've actually wanted to go. It's just been too hot- but today was wonderful. The older Hudson gets, the more I enjoy going with him. Kyle and I have always loved the zoo, but seeing it through the eyes of our son is even more fun. Here are just a few pictures of his response to seeing things...


Checking out the rhinos and the giraffes.


Looking at the birds.

I love this face!!!

Don't know what he was looking at here. It was during the train ride.


Observing (or trying to observe) the turkeys and deer.

Don't you love seeing things through the eyes of a child? It gives you such a different perspective. Sometimes it's like seeing things for the first time all over again. I feel like reading God's Word can be like this. I really desire to see His words with fresh eyes every time, but it just doesn't happen that way.

Kyle and I are beginning the Radical Experiment. The first two parts of the experiment are to pray for the world and to read through God's Word in its entirety. Those seem like such small steps, but I know that they are huge. I know that I don't always pray with a sense of expectancy- like God's really going to do something great through my prayers. So as we pray for the world, I'm expecting that God's going to show Kyle and me where He wants us to go on a mission trip. I'm expecting that God is going to give us a heart for the unreached and undesirable. I'm expecting that God is going to show us where to adopt our next child. I'm also going to pray that I'll see the Scripture with fresh eyes. Can you imagine reading the story about Jesus feeding the 5,000 for the first time? I told this story to my students at church a couple of weeks ago. They had never heard that story, and their reactions were awesome. I know that God is going to do some amazing things in our lives over the next year. I know that there will be battles and challenges. But I also know that there is joy in the journey, and my Jesus is worth more than any battle wound I will ever encounter. I can't wait to experience this. I can't wait to meet Jesus all over again.

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